We believe that a world where people’s rights and liberties are respected is a safer world to live in. The respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms is a significant factor for peace, justice and the development and growth of entire world. To achieve this we strive to ensure that people are able to enjoy their socio-economic and political rights.
Plan to Empower is fighting for people’s
socio-economic and political rights
and empowering poor and
underprivileged women.
Human Right and
Political Empowerment
for Women
Plan to Empower is fighting people’s socio-economic and political rights and empowering poor and underprivileged people to fight for their fundamental rights and achieve the same.
In this project we train women and girls to increasing women’s labor force participation and make them confident and self dependent. We are dedicated to strengthen nutrition, disease prevention, and maternal health programs for women and girls.

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