Plan to Empower is focusing on Child Health and Nutrition
programs and aims to improve the health and nutrition .

Health and Nutrition


Poverty’s harsh effect on health starts before a baby is born and pile up throughout their adult lives. With stressed-filled homes, shaky nutrition, toxic environment and health-care gaps of every kind, kids in very low-income families may never catch up when it comes to their health. Most poor an vulnerable people live in remote and rural where illiteracy, physical environments, malnutrition, inadequate access to potable water, and lack of personal hygiene and sanitation make them more vulnerable to disease.

Access to Food and Enhancing Nutrition

Every individual has the right to adequate food and nutrition, a foundation for healthy living. The increasing prevalence of under nutrition indicates the need to safeguard this right across the life cycle.

Health and Nutrition NGO in India

Maternal & Newborn Health

Plan to Empower seeks to improve pregnancy care for low-income women by working with both the public healthcare system and the communities.

Working with the public healthcare system: works with public hospitals to map and establish referral networks and promote appropriate care for women with potential complications. We also collaborate with municipal health posts to standardize primary ante and post-natal services and build capacity of their outreach workers.

Educating vulnerable slum communities: Through home visits, community meetings, and formation of community health committees, We engages pregnant mothers and their families to promote utilization of public services for mothers and newborns and improve their knowledge of ante- and post-natal danger signs, maternal nutrition, appropriate child feeding practice, and family planning methods.

Child Health & Nutrition

Plan to Empower is focusing on Child Health and Nutrition programs and  aims to improve the health and nutrition status of children under 3 years of age through:

  • Rigorous screening and early identification of malnourished children.
  • Combinations of hospital care, Community-based Management of Acute Malnutrition (CMAM) and referrals; and
  • Regular follow-up and monitoring.

Adolescent Health and Empowerment

Adolescents and Youth are a heterogeneous group and constitute 22% of India’s population. This phase of transition from childhood to adulthood requires significant efforts from all stakeholders. Information regarding their health and development, along with life skills, helps them to adopt healthy and responsible lifestyles.To empower young girls and boys (11-24 years) with the knowledge and capacity to make informed choices about their health and well being.

We are working with the objective to increase health awareness and positive health behaviors through peer group learning sessions, life skills education and community engagement an. We enable economic empowerment through vocational training.

Sanitation & Cleanliness

Sanitation and cleanliness play an important role in the betterment of the physical environment. People living in poverty stricken areas suffer poor environmental health due to unsafe drinking water. They also have poor hygiene behavior and lack of sanitation. Through our different proposed programs, we aim to help spread awareness about cleanliness and sanitation needs and improve the health status and native physical environment of the poor and unprivileged people and communities. Through our programs, we try to educate individuals and communities about various health-related issues and behaviors. Sanitation and hygiene education has many benefits for example; it promotes effective learning, increases enrolment of girls in school, reduces incidences of disease and worm infections, and promotes environmental cleanliness.

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Saving the Girl Child

The skewed sex ratio in the age group of 0-6 years indicates the need for social transformation to stop the heinous practice of sex selection and promote an enabling environment for valuing the girl child.

Plan to Empower addresses issues of women’s health and development in different stages of their lives from a “Rights” perspective.

Healtn and Nutrition NGO in India